Sunday, December 6, 2009

7 days(stage) detox diet

This detox diet can be adapted to last anything from 1 to 4 weeks. The plan is plit into 7 stages. If you are initially trying out just a week long regime, each stage will last 1 day, while in a 2 week regime, each stage will last 2 days adn so on. Obviously, the longer the plan the greater the effect. It is important to follow the plan in the order given. beware...After liquid must come back to food slowly or you will overload your digestive system/undo all you have achieved and even feel quite unwell....-Hamlyn (Total Wellbeing)
  • Stage 1 (Monday) : Liquids only
Traditionally, this would be just water, which is the quickest and purest means of flushing out the system. too strict? may opt for:
  1. Freshly made fruit / vegetable juices
  2. Herbal or spice teas
  3. Broth
If you're unsure, do inquire for an opinion from a doctor first before undertaking this detox programme ...anyway, hope you all the best...and to myself to...for a better health...
  • Stage 2 (Tuesday) : Liquid & Fruit OnlyThe following fruits all have helpful detox properties :
Apple / Pineapple / Mango / Grapes / Watermelon I'm posting this earlier for those who may need earlier preparation:
  • Stage 3 (Wednesday) : Liquid & Fruit & Raw vegetables
  • Stage 4 (Thursday) : Add cooked vegetables and brown rice
  • Stage 5 (Friday) : Add beans, lentils, nuts and seeds
  • Stage 2 (Saturday) : Add grains and live yogurt
grains should be from rye, buckwheat, barley or oats - anything but wheat
  • Stage 2 (Sunday) : Add fish
Add dairy products (cheese, cream, milk) and meat gradually, as they are high in saturated fats, which slow down digestion. Add wheat last.

Witness Wide

I love this one done by the late Yasmin Ahmad TV Commercial titled 'Funeral'

My photo art

Some of my art done with photoshop editing tools...It was quite.., easy except for when it comes to croping images...:[..okay but it was really quite easy with all the brushes you can download from the internet...